Gas2 & Clean Technica Reports On Illustrator's Path To Creating His Dream Vehicle
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved from Gas2's website via Clean Technica.
Taking something you know and making it your own isn't the easiest thing to do in the world. For a man in Israel who saw box trucks of different sizes during his daily tasks, inspiration struck. Using his skills as an illustrator and obviously a handyman, he constructed a workable piece of RV machinery.
Jo Barras from Gas2 writes in his article: "50 year old Joseph Tayyar is not like the rest of us. You and I look at those 35? long UHaul moving trucks and think, 'I could fit my whole house in there.' Tayyar looks at them and thinks, 'I could fit my whole house in there.' It’s a subtle difference, sure, but it’s one that led the Israeli man to pick up his own box truck and start sketching.