Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Powell Tribune's website.
The new Wapiti Valley RV park is planned off Bradford Drive in the Wapiti Valley, Wyoming. Located along U.S. Highway 14/16/20, not far from the Red Barn gas station, the Homestead Campground will offer 14 campsites for self-contained recreational vehicles. Electricity will be provided â along with a bear-proof dumpster â but there will be no water or sewer hookups or bathrooms. Powell Tribune writer, CJ Baker, speaks with owner Tamara Young and relays in his article, "The income provided by the campground will enable me to keep the ranch intact instead of selling it to developers or subdividing it myself,” wrote Tamara. Owner Tamara Young intends for the Homestead Campground to be a family-run business, operating it with her mother each May through October.
To learn more about the campground and Park County Commissioner opinions, view here.