Mobile UK & National Parks England Announce Landmark Agreement
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through New Forest Park Authority's website.
Mobile UK and National Parks England jointly announce a landmark agreement that seeks to assist the deployment of mobile infrastructure in the United Kingdom's national parks. The agreement aims to help communities living in National Parks to benefit from consistent high-quality connectivity, protect the special qualities of the National Parks by minimizing any adverse environmental impacts, and to support close working between Operators and National Park Authorities to achieve these aims.
According to the press release by New Forest Park Authority, "With English National Parks covering almost 10% of the country, the new agreement is an important step forward in making sure our rural areas benefit from modern technological advances." Research shows that there are now over 92 million mobile subscriptions in the UK in 2016. The agreement will be very good news for the thousands of businesses and people living in the National Parks, for the millions who visit them, and for the stunning landscapes and towns that are the lifeblood for our rural economies, says Chair of National Parks England and the South Downs National Park Authority, Margaret Paren. More and more mobile and smart phones are being used to access the internet which is driving the convergence of mobile and Wi-Fi connectivity while camping or exploring National Parks.
For more information and a look at the full press release, click here.