Convenient Service Utilizes Smart Phones For National Park Entrances
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Los Angeles Times' website.
Getting into Yosemite National Park is now just a little more convenient. Today, anyone may purchase an electronic day pass for $35 days in advance of your trip, and either print it out or store it on their cellphone. Rangers then scan the pass when you arrive at the gate, and Presto you're in. Yosemite started using the new electronic pass option on June 21. It’s available to buy at Individuals entering Yosemite on foot or bicyclists pay $20 and passes to the park are good for seven days. You can also buy an annual pass for $70 and store it on your device for the remainder of the time. And there's no extra fee tacked on to the electronic pass.
According to Mary Forgione from the LA Times, Yellowstone, Sequoia and Kings Canyon, Grand Canyon and other national parks that charge admission fees accept electronic passes as well. YourPassNow has partnered with the US Forest Service, the Natoinal Park Service, and the the Bureau of Land Management to offer these services. Annual or lifetime passes that are available include the Interagency Annual, Military, and 4th Grade, or the Access and Senior lifetime passes. The U.S. Forest Service also has a variety of passes available specific to the organization.
To see the parks that are participating in the program and to buy an entrance pass, go to