NPS Grants Assistance for Communities Affected by Major Hurricanes
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The National Park Service's website.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the National Park Service announced $48.5 million in supplemental assistance grants to help historic resources recover in areas impacted by hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017. Communities in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, and the U.S. Virgin Islands will receive assistance for historic preservation projects related to hurricane recovery efforts.
“Preserving our historic resources is a critical component in the National Park Service’s mission to protect and share our interwoven histories,” said National Park Service Deputy Director P. Daniel . “These grants will provide many state and tribal communities affected by the intense storms of 2017 assistance to restore damaged cultural resources.”As national emergencies arise, Congress may appropriate funding from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) to provide relief for historic preservation projects impacted by natural disasters. These grants will support preservation repair, recovery, and resilience of properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register. Funding will also support necessary compliance under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, surveys of historic resources to determine eligibility and the degree of damage, administration of the grants, and preparedness for future disasters.
For details on the assistance by the NPS, click here.
Environmental Issues, Florida, National Parks, Outdoors, Texas