News Release:
Who's Attending the 2018 RVIA Leadership Conference?
RVIA Reports On Their Annual Leadership Conference And Keynote Speakers Such As Economist Peter Morici & Thought Leader Josh Linkner.
RVIA has announced the 2018 Leadership Conference, the annual RVIA member meeting for the RV industry, to be held January 14-15, 2018 at the Marriott Tampa Waterside Hotel & Marina in Tampa, FL. The meeting will feature keynote speakers on the economy and innovation, as well as a special luncheon focused on challenges facing the 40 Under 40 leaders. Opening the day on Monday, January 15 will be Peter Morici, an economist, emeritus professor of business at the Robert H. School of Business, the University of Maryland and a national columnist. His views appear regularly in MarketWatch, the Washington Times, other major metropolitan dailies throughout the United States and Canada, and Fox online. Professor Morici will discuss the leading trends that will define the global economy over the next decade, key elements of the Trump Economic Program with an economic outlook for 2018 and 2019.
According to RVIA, the Leadership Luncheon will feature a “40 Under 40” interactive session. RVIA will be asking the inaugural 40 Under 40 class to discuss the top challenges they are facing now and in the future. This will be a facilitated session that will spark conversations, generate solutions and provide tangible takeaways to implement throughout the industry related to RVing or RV living. On Monday afternoon, Josh Linkner, an internationally-recognized thought leader, New York Times Bestselling Author, and top-rated keynote speaker on innovation, creativity, reinvention, and hyper-growth leadership, takes the stage. “The RV Leadership Conference is vital in outlining industry trends, member initiatives as well as helping develop future leaders of the RV industry,” said Liz Crawford, RVIA senior VP of trade shows and events. “We’re excited to bring captivating speakers to address the industry, as we join to share best practices and discuss critical industry issues.” A busy morning on January 15th, starts with the timeline as follows: 7:00am – 8:00am: RV Leadership Conference Breakfast; 8:00am – 8:10am: Welcome: RVIA Chairman, Bob Parish; 8:15am – 9:15am: Peter Morici: American Economist and Syndicated Columnist; 9:15am – 9:30am: Treasurer’s Report: Kevin Phillips; 9:30am – 10:00am: RVIA Rebrand: James Ashurst. 2018 Leadership Conference sponsors to date include Dentons, Dometic, Erwin Hymer, Forest River, Lance, Newmar, Thor, Tiffin, and US Warranty Corp.
For the full schedule and more information please visit RVIA.
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