News Blip:
FMCA Extends Membership
The Voice Reports On A New Policy Where All Types of Self-contained RV Owners Are Eligible To Join And Take Advantage of The Group’s Benefits & Services.
Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) members recently voted that owners of all types of self-contained RVs are now eligible to join and take advantage of the group’s benefits and services. FMCA is a Cincinnati, Ohio-based international organization for motorhome enthusiasts with currently more than 74,000 active member families. They offer benefits such as, subscriptions to its monthly magazine, Family Motor Coaching; a medical emergency and travel assistance program valued at $105 per family; discounted rates for RV tours and caravans; and special member rates on mobile hotspot plans. While the makeup of RVs owned by the membership will change, some things that will not are FMCA's continued promotion of the RV lifestyle and their mission to educate and share information to the RV Club community and motor coaches in general.
Reporter Rick Kessler on relates in his article: "This broadening mem-bership opens a new chapter in the association’s 54-year history. When asked about this expansion of the association, FMCA national president Jon Walker said, 'This initiative started because FMCA members increasingly were asking the leadership of the organization why owners of other types of RVs were not eligible to join. Many of them have family members or friends they travel with who own fifth-wheel or other travel trailers, and they wanted to be able to welcome them to the FMCA family.'" The association does not have plans to change its name but instead will do what other organizations have done — i.e. AARP — and focus on the acronym FMCA, which many already use when referring to the motor coach group.
For the full article visit The Voice.
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