Alabama WFF Creates Coastal Zone During Alligator Season
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Outdoor News Daily's website.
According to an Outdoor News Daily press release, during 2019 Alabama alligator season, and for those who win the lottery to participate, two significant changes are in store. The Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division has created a new Coastal Zone and shifted the mandatory alligator hunting training workshop to online only.
“We went from mandatory in-person training to mandatory online training,” said Chris Nix, WFF’s Alligator Program Coordinator, said in the press release. “We did this to try to cut out an obstacle for people to participate. It was always a problem with several people each year, whether it was weddings or vacations or other obligations. It was especially hard on people coming from Birmingham or Huntsville to make the trip all the way to the coast for one class. And, we had just one class per zone each year, so hopefully this will be better. After the registration period ends, applicants can go to that same online page to check their status. If selected as a hunter or an alternative, a link to the mandatory online training video will be available. Learn more here.
Registration for the alligator hunts is currently open on Outdoor Alabama's website.