A Duck And Quail Hunting Farm Owned By The Dunn Family Was Inspired By Their Son's High School Senior Project
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through The News & Observer's website via Google.
H2O Fowl Farms is a family owned duck and quail hunting farm in North Carolina. The Dunn's first got the idea when their son, Drew Dunn, thought of it for his senior project in high school. Since then, the business has been very successful and continues to bring the family together.
As The News & Observer writer Jim Lasley relates in his article: “Our love for hunting and the outdoors played a major role in the selection of this project,” Drew said. “Nature and the outdoors teaches you lessons you just can’t get in any other facet of life.” Drew gives most of the credit for the business to his dad. “This was all possible due to his support and hard work,” Drew said. “The people we get to meet and the smiles on their faces make what we do amazing. Also creating a business from nothing feels pretty amazing.”
Check this full article at The News & Observer right here.
-MRV: The Buzz