Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Journal's website.
Mesa Verde National Park is looking to become an International Dark Sky in the coming year. Since 2015 The Mesa Verde Museum Association has been working on its application to receive the designation and plans to submit the application this month. Dark sky designation would help night sky programs at the park and improve visitors’ experiences. Erika Alvero of The Journal relays in her article, "The idea of seeking a dark sky designation first came up after Quinn attended a biannual meeting of the Peaks, Plateaus, and Canyons Association in October 2015. A few other sites represented – including Bryce Canyon and Zion national parks – were in the process of applying for the designation at the time." Mesa Verde Museum Association had to acquire a Sky Quality Meter for a series of measurements, including for surrounding communities visible at the park, to be able to apply for the designation. According to the IDA website argues that not only does light pollution prevent people from seeing the night sky, but it’s harmful to human and animal health, and is wasteful. For more information, click here.