Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through the Red Bluff Daily News website.
Closed since the 2018 Carr Fire, the loved James K. Carr Trail to Whiskeytown Falls at the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area has reopened to the public as of Feb. 14th. Whiskeytown staff, most notably the trail crew, worked hard over many months to restore a 1.7-mile section of trail that received substantial fire damage. According to Red Bluff Daily News staff, "Wood for the footbridge was carried in and the bridge was constructed, eroded sections of trail were re-stabilized, three retaining rock walls were built, signage was replaced and extensive brushing was completed." The Daily News article suggests to stay alert for falling trees when visiting the Whiskeytown Falls trail, especially on windy days, and obey all closures. If a significant storm is forecast for the area, Crystal Creek Road and the trails it accesses may temporarily close for safety. Learn more about the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area its website.