Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant Program Opens Applications
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through City Parks Alliance's website.
The National Park Service (NPS) announces open applications for the 2018 Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP). The ORLP is a nationally competitive grant program funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in which cities, counties, legal subdivisions such as park districts, etc. can vie for funding by applying and sending in proposals that are developed in cooperation with the lead agency for LWCF in their state. More details on how to apply can be found here. The ORLP seeks to create new opportunities for outdoor recreation as well as to develop or enhance partnerships that can support such efforts in cities.
According to the press release originally posted by NPS, Sponsors may request grants for their projects ranging from a minimum of $250,000 up to a maximum of $750,000. Funding for eligible projects can be used to acquire and/or develop land to create new, or reinvigorate existing, public parks and other outdoor recreation spaces in neighborhoods that are economically disadvantaged and are under-served or lacking in such opportunities. LWCF ORLP grants may only be used for costs needed to support the acquisition or development (or a combination) of lands and facilities that will provide outdoor recreation opportunities to the public. LWCF ORLP funds may not be used for (not inclusive):
Grant administration expenses,
Incidental costs related to land acquisition such as appraisals or title work,
Operation and maintenance activities,
Facilities that support semi-professional or professional athletics such as baseball stadiums or soccer arenas,
Indoor facilities such as recreation centers or facilities that support primarily non-outdoor purposes like dining facilities or overnight accommodation (such as a lodge or hotel), or
Acquisition of lands, or interests in lands, that completely restrict access to specific persons (e.g., non-residents of a community).
Applications are due on Friday, September 14, 2018. For the full report on the ORLP program by City Parks Alliance, click here.