News Release:
How To Save More Money With GasBuddy App
Consumer Smartphone App Adds A Useful Feature That Pinpoints Exactly When And Where Motorists Have Been Engaging In Fuel-Inefficient Driving.
GasBuddy has been helping people find the lowest gas prices as well as helping them locate where's the nearest gas station for nearly two decades. Adding new insights and technology to its app to create a competitive advantage, the company appeals now to almost everyone on the road, especially full time RVers, van lifers, or travel junkies always on the hunt for adventure elsewhere. Being fiscally responsible and finding cheap gas is a no-brainer, but it isn't always that easy. When it comes to truly saving money on fuel, it starts the moment the key hits the ignition. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, aggressive driving like speeding, rapid acceleration and braking is the quickest way to waste gas and can lower gas mileage by as much as 40%!
According to their recent press release, "GasBuddy, the only smartphone app connecting more than 70 million drivers with the Perfect Pit Stop, today announced the new Trips feature, pinpointing exactly where and when they have been guilty of fuel-inefficient driving. With the new Trips feature on the gas app, drivers get an assessment of their trips based on a 3-tier rating system — Great, Not bad, or Not great. The summaries include the date, time, distance and maps out when and where during the trip a poor driving habit occurred whether it be speeding, hard braking or acceleration." Driving recklessly does cost money, either in the way of repairing your vehicle or in filling up the tank more frequently. So if you are full time RVing, a cross country traveler, or commute often, it's wise to implement healthy driving habits for your sake - and others. During beta testing, GasBuddy analyzed more than 140,000 individual trips and found that a majority of trips (78 percent) fell into the “not bad” and “not great” buckets, meaning there are instances of fuel-guzzling habits with hard braking being the #1 culprit. "Gas prices fluctuate constantly — that is something we can’t control. But what you can control is making appropriate changes that can save you between 13 cents and 89 cents a gallon, ”explained Patrick DeHaan, head petroleum analyst for GasBuddy.
Check out the full press release at GasBuddy's website.
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