Outside Reports On Ambreen Tariq, Who Shares Her Journey In The Outdoors As A Colored Person, Immigrant, And Muslim
Ambreen Tariq, is a 33- year old who runs the Instagram page "Brown People Camping" which gained over 2,000 followers after just 3 months. Her goal is to share her experience in the outdoors as a colored persom, immigrant, and muslim. She travels across the United States with her husband capturing special moments and expressing herself.
As Outside writer Erin Berger quotes in her article: "More than asking people to feel a certain way, I believe you can add value just by sharing your experiences. Part of the success of the project is it’s just me—I’m not trying to speak for or about anyone else. I have complete control over how vulnerable and candid I want to be, and I stand behind my experience. That allows people to react, support, question, and engage with me directly [Ambreen Tariq]."
Check this full article at Outside right here.
-MRV: The Buzz