Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Sun Coast News's website.
A request for a future land map amendment and zoning atlas amendment that would have allowed for the expansion of a RV park on the north bank of the Anclote River in unincorporated Tarpon Springs has been denied by Pinellas County commissioners. The land, which is 4.55 acres is located on the south side of Anclote Road, about 200 feet southeast of Wacassassa Street. Nearby neighbors do not agree that the proposed expansion for the RV park would be a good fit. Suzette Porter of The Suncoast News covers in her article, "Four residents spoke in opposition during the public hearing and many others sent in written comments. Among their concerns was additional traffic; however, staff said expanding the RV park would not impact the level of service on the roadway." Nearby residents are concerned that the owners will cut down all the nearby big trees. Another concern is the potential for more transients walking and bicycling through the neighborhood as well as noise and loss of privacy. To read more on the proposed expansion for Tarpon Springs, click here.