Nonresident OHV Decals Available For Purchase Beginning September 1
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Arizona Game & Fish Department's website.
PHOENIX, Ariz. - Out-of-state residents wishing to legally ride their off-highway vehicle (OHV) and support OHV trail maintenance, education and law enforcement efforts in Arizona are able to purchase a nonresident OHV decal beginning Sunday, Sept. 1. The new decals are required for nonresidents and can only be purchased through the Arizona Game & Fish Department (AZGFD).
According to a press release, those caught riding without a current decal can be fined. Both resident and nonresident OHV decals cost $25 (plus a processing fee) and are good for one year from the purchase date. While the resident OHV decal can be purchased at any Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division office or at the ServiceArizona webpage. Decals are not transferable between OHVs.
For more important info that OHV riders should be aware of, click here.