Fox News Reports On UK Scout Members Who Have A Better Mental Health At The Age Of 50 Than Their Counterparts
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through Fox News' website via Google.
A recent study shows that kids who participate in scout activities grow up to have a better mental health than their counterparts. The study examined more than 9,000 people at the age of 50 to see if they could find a correlation between the scout members, and the others. They did, and scout membership even removed inequality in mental health associated with economic disadvantage.
As Reuters relates in the article: "For the new study, the researchers focused on more than 9,000 people born in 1958, 28 percent of whom had been in the Scouts or Guides program. Mental Health Index tests at age 50 assessed nerves, calmness, downheartedness and happiness over the previous four weeks, with answers scored on a scale of one to 100. On average, participants scored about 75. Adults who had been in Scouts-Guides scored about 2.2 points higher than other adults."
Check this full article at Fox News right here.
-MRV: The Buzz