The Hartford Courant's Alban Murtishi Reports On The Robert's Who Turned Their RV Dream Into A $30 Million Company
When Fran Roberts was a young man, no one believed in his dreams to buy and sell fold-out campers; they even laughed at him. Six decades later, him and his son Frank turned that dream into a $30 million RV company in Connecticut called Long View RV Superstore. Here, customers can buy anything from a mid-sized towable fold-out camper to luxurious motor homes. The variety is endless. In the article, Frank explains how his customers don’t just buy these vehicles based on price, but to fit their needs and lifestyle. “The RV is irrelevant. I'm selling a lifestyle," Roberts says.
Moreover, the company’s next challenge is to attract millenials."The millenials are the next market, but what can you do to pull them in? We're researching that right now, how millenials thoughts and actions match up with RVing," says Baker, a spokesperson from the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association.
Check the full article at Hartford Courant right here.
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