News Blip: Getting America Outdoors
North Jersey Reports On A Study That Shows That Americans Understand The Benefits Of Nature But Don't Have The Time To Go Outdoors
For years now, many thought that America's lack of outdoor knowledge has kept them from going outdoors. However, a new study conducted by a public-private collaborative, shows that many Americans are in fact aware of the health benefits and the endless beauty nature has to offer. They just don't have the easy access, money or time to spend outdoors.
As North Jersey relates in their article: The places where many people live, work and go to school make it difficult for them to have contact with the natural world. Most people have competing priorities for time, attention and money; Most Americans no longer directly depend on the natural world for their livelihoods and subsistence, and thus don’t spend work hours outdoors. Also, new technologies, especially electronic media, keep people indoors.
Check this full article at North Jersey right here.
-MRV: The Buzz