Deschutes Recreation Will Now Oversee National Forest Campgrounds
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Bend Bulletin's website.
The U.S. Forest Service recently awarded campground management of Deschutes National Forest camping to CLM Services Corp., operating locally as Deschutes Recreation. The five-year permit, which can be extended for five more years, will begin in January, the Forest Service said in May. Previous honors of overseeing the campgrounds was Hoodoo Recreation. With Hoodoo’s permit expiring at the end of this year, the Forest Service issued a prospectus in 2017 for the camping concession. One major change under the next five-year permit is that the Forest Service itself will manage nine campgrounds in Newberry National Volcanic Monument.
According to the article written by Kathleen McLaughlin, Visitors have said they want to see a bigger Forest Service presence there, said Deschutes National Forest spokeswoman Jean Nelson-Dean said. “We want to provide really quality service in those areas, and we do a lot of interpretive programs in those areas,” she said. Ninety-five percent of the fees the US Forest Service collects at the Newberry campgrounds will be reinvested in the national monument, Nelson-Dean said. The Forest Service estimated that in 2015 sites not included in the 2017 prospectus generated $370,643 in revenue; and the remaining 69 campgrounds generated an estimated $1.3 million. The prospectus also left out two campgrounds in the Sisters Ranger District near Lake Billy Chinook, which could be operated by Oregon State Parks under a cooperative agreement.
View more information on the complete release on The Bulletin by clicking here.
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