Brand USA Hits The Road With New Storytelling Campaign
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Brand USA's website.
BELLE FOURCHE, S.D. - Brand USA, the destination marketing organization for the United States, launched a new campaign to encourage foreign travel to the United States. Called United Stories, the campaign will send specially branded “content creation labs” (aka classic VW buses) across the nation to capture local stories told from local perspectives. French street artist Etienne Bardelli created a colorful, high-impact design for the content creation vehicles inspired by iconic American graphics such as state flags and vintage National Park posters. Beautiful Destinations, the world's largest social media tourism community, will create the content, while a half dozen social influencers from the UK, Germany, Australia and Canada will help spread the stories to their followers.
“As a nation, we want to share our stories with the world and invite them to experience our people and destinations first-hand. United Stories will help travelers understand places more deeply, meet real people, and uncover local perspectives to activate their wanderlust,” Tom Garzilli, chief marketing officer of Brand USA, said in a press release. "Global travelers are increasingly looking for local experiences that can't be found in travel brochures.”
The United Stories campaign launched in Belle Fourche, South Dakota, the geographic center of the United States, in mid January. Follow the progress of the campaign on the United Stories website or by following the tag #UnitedStories on social media.
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