AAPRA and NRPA Gold Medal Awards Announces Finalists
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The National Recreation and Park Association's website.
ASHBURN, Va. - The American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) annually select agencies to compete for the 2019 National Gold Medal Awards for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management. This year’s finalists have been announced and will compete for Grand Plaque Award honors this summer.
Agencies are judged on their ability to address the needs of those they serve through the collective energies of community members, staff and elected officials. Four finalists in each class are chosen to compete for grand honors each year. A panel of five park and recreation professionals reviews and judges all application materials. Judges are chosen for their considerable experience and knowledge in parks and recreation on both the local and national levels.
For a full list of 2019 Gold Medal finalists view the NRPA press release.