The RV Bunch Reaches New Heights With Monthly Engagement Figures
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through SEPI Marketing's website.
The RV Bunch, a Southeast Publication (SEPI) Marketing trademark and private Facebook group of RV Enthusiasts, has reached over one million interactions within the past 28 days. The RVing group refers to themselves as “The Bunchers.” A nomadic but friendly group, the Bunchers are close-knit and quick to provide advice to all who join from aspiring camping enthusiast to the full time RVer. “This group is growing so quickly. Now we have five moderators monitoring the group 24/7,” said Brian McGuinn, Director at SEPI Marketing.
The Administrators stress the golden rule: Treat others with respect while enjoying the many camping opportunities offered by state and private parks. In order to gain access to the group, campers need to answer a series of questions about their camping preferences and unit types they own. Once approved, Bunchers can share their knowledge with others on top campgrounds to visit, DIY unit modifications/improvements and other useful information needed while on the road.
Founded in 2018, the RV Bunch is quickly becoming the go-to Facebook group to join for RV travelers. The group has branded camping flags and bumper stickers that members can purchase from their website. RV Bunch meetups are bringing business to SEPI Partners. “Our ability to grow digital audiences is solely based on giving people high quality, positive, uplifting and relevant content. We receive hundreds of private messages weekly thanking the group for finding new favorite places to visit,” states McGuinn.
SEPI Marketing admits that the Group was initially created to highlight their partner campgrounds and RV resorts. But now, most significantly, the group is a vital tool in helping SEPI understand items that are important to outdoor enthusiast, which builds content creation that is well received by the RV travel community. In addition, the group has increased viewership of and downloads of the SEPI Marketing, MobileRVing 4.0 mobile application.
MobileRVing and MobileRVing 4.0 are also SEPI brands that highlight their partner campgrounds, but also give useful information on all campgrounds from the United States, Canada and Europe. “In addition to the Bunch, our mobile application and online platforms are performing extremely well, and we hear constantly from our partners how much they appreciate these website referrals,” states McGuinn.