Rome News Tribune Reports On Rome's Rising Outdoor Recreation Industry And The New Millennial Outdoors Lifestyle Trend
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through Rome News Tribune's website via Google.
Rome, located in Georgia, has seen a great rise in its outdoor recreation industry. The Cotton Block of Broad Street has a great amount of recreational stores and retailers. Some say it's because of the millennial generation that focuses more on staying healthy and participating in outdoor activities.
As Rome News Tribune writer Doug Walker relates in his article: "The Outdoor Industry Association reports that outdoor recreation generated $23.3 billion in consumer spending in Georgia, which triggered more than $1.4 billion in state and local taxes. Outdoor recreation was responsible for more than 230,900 jobs, and those jobs were fueled by more than $7 billion in wages."
Check this full article at Rome News Tribune right here.
-MRV: The Buzz