News Blip: 2017 FROG Rally A Big Hit
RVBusiness Reports On America’s Fastest Growing RV Owners Club Event Taking Place Until August 12 At The Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds
A kickoff dinner was held Aug. 6 for some of the 1,700 club members from coast to coast who arrived in 800 recreational vehicles for the club’s fifth annual rally in Goshen, Indiana. The event has virtually come from nowhere in a few short years to tally more than 72,000 members in an era when so many of the traditional RV enthusiast clubs are fading away. On hand for this week’s fairgrounds get-together, according to FROG Director Bob Byrne, are 75 vendor displays and as many as 400 service techs – 50 from Forest River’s suppliers – who stand ready to do factory-level service on owners’ units during the rally.
RVBusiness's Sherman Goldenberg speaks with Bob Byrne on the growth of The Forest River Owners Group: "Part of [our growth] is our affiliation with Forest River, which, I think enjoys the widening reputation of a company that builds good products. The second thing, I think, is that we are targeting all kinds of RV users because of the fact that we build such a wide array."
Check out the full article on RVBusiness right here.
-MRV: The Buzz