McKinley Fire Affecting Parts of Parks Highway
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through KTUU News' website.
At least 50 structures have burned in the McKinley Fire in Alaska, Division of Forestry officials confirmed late Sunday night. The fire jumped the Parks Highway late Sunday afternoon from the east to the west side near mile 88. Early Sunday fire crews battled the McKinley fire and faced some of the worst firefighting conditions for the second day in a row.
According to KTUU writer Daniel Kirby, travelers are being asked to avoid mileposts 79 through 99 of the Parks Highway while crews work to contain the McKinley Fire. The size of the fire remained at 150 acres according to the latest Alaska Interagency Coordination Center report. An evacuation order remains in effect for areas east of the Parks Highway between MP 88 and MP 93.
Learn more details on the Alaska fire at the KTUU News website.