Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through the Curry Coastal Pilot's website.
BROOKINGS, Ore. - Port of Brookings Harbor commissioners temporarily closed the Beachfront RV Park and fishing pier but kept open access to Sporthaven Beach, the boat launch and boat docks during a special meeting Tuesday morning, March 24. Following the unanimous vote, 4-1, Port officials informed people at Beachfront that on March 25th it would be closed through May 8 and they had to leave. Port Manager Gary Dehlinger said they would cancel any future reservations and would be giving refunds.
As stated in a Curry Coastal Pilot article by Brian Williams, “It is difficult to have to make these decisions,” said Commissioner Chairman Roy Davis. “We are publicly elected officials and we have to make these decisions to try and do the best we can." Monday, March 23, Oregon State Parks System closed its campgrounds and day-use areas to the public through May 8 after initially stating they would do so on April 3.
Find further info on the RV park closure here.