KING debuts the KING Extend LTE/Cell Signal Booster.

KING introduces the Extend LTE/Cell Signal Booster.

Written by MobileRVing - The Buzz: Your Outdoor Lifestyle Insider.

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KING Introduces New and Improved Signal Booster| MobileRVing

KING Introduces New and Improved Signal Booster| MobileRVing

KING Introduces New and Improved Signal Booster| MobileRVing


KING Introduces New and Improved Signal Booster

Posted on: September 12, 2019  |  By MobileRVing staff

Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through RVBusiness' website.

The KING Extend (KX1000) boosts and extends personal LTE / Cell signal up to 32 times [Photo Credit: KING]

KING, a technology solutions business focused on mobile markets like RV and Trucking, introduces the Extend LTE/Cell Signal Booster. According to a press release, the KING Extend boosts personal LTE/Cell signal up to 32 times, providing greater coverage and speeds while supporting multiple users.

“At KING, we are excited to launch another product allowing our customers to control how they connect with the world,” said Matt Catlin, KING vice president of sales and marketing, in a press release. Features include reliable signal and faster data – boosts voice and data range; no additional contract and no monthly fees; supports all U.S. carriers – 3G / 4G / LTE coverage; multiple installation options; multiple users simultaneously; and no internet required.

For more info, view the full press release.

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