Colorado's Billion Dollar Recreation

Outdoor Industry Association, Boulder

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News Blip: A Billion Dollar Business| MobileRVing

News Blip: A Billion Dollar Business| MobileRVing

News Blip: A Billion Dollar Business| MobileRVing

News Blip: A Billion Dollar Business

Biz Journals Reports On Outdoor Industry Association Who Reports That The Outdoor Recreation In Colorado Is A Multi Billion Dollar Business

Posted on: May 22, 2017  |  By MobileRVing staff

Hiking In Colorado

Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved through Denver Business Journal's website via Google.

Colorado's Outdoor Industry Association has recently reported that there is an estimate of $104 billion spent annually on outdoor activities in Colorado and the surrounding areas. This proves how much of an impact outdoor recreation has on the economy.

As Business Journal writer Mark Harden relates in his article: “From the smallest rural towns to the most densely populated cities, outdoor recreation makes America stronger,” said Amy Roberts, OIA executive director, in a statement announcing the report. “This report makes clear that the outdoor recreation economy is not only thriving, but a powerful economic force that embodies the American spirit," she said. "Public lands and waters are the foundation of this powerful economic force."

Check this full article at Denver Business Journal right here.

-MRV: The Buzz

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