IPW in Lousiana

Kristian Sonnier of New Orleans CVB

MRV: The Buzz, Your Outdoor Lifestyle Insider

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Kristian Sonnier | IPW | MRV: The Buzz| MobileRVing

Kristian Sonnier | IPW | MRV: The Buzz| MobileRVing

Kristian Sonnier | IPW | MRV: The Buzz| MobileRVing

Helping Define A City: Kristian Sonnier [Nola CVB] - IPW 2016

VP Of Communications For New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau Discusses People, Rebirth & Passion In The Big Easy

Kristian Sonnier, VP of Communications At New Orleans CVB. [Courtesy: New Orleans CVB] 

IPW is one of the biggest travel conferences of its kind. It takes a special kind of city to make it work. With the challenges for New Orleans over the past decade, its ability and passion to pull together an event of this size speaks to the drive and pride that permeates this city and the people involved. Kristian Sonnier, VP of Communications & Public Relations at the New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau, sat down with The Buzz during IPW in New Orleans to discuss challenges, identity and transformation.

The Buzz: You personally have an interesting RV story just to start off.

Kristian Sonnier: I have an old Airstream trailer we have been renovating. It's a 1964 Safari. I keep it in the backyard but we RV all over the place. In fact I asked my wife to marry me on an RV trip. We did the Louisville Bourbon Trail and then ended up in Nashville at a KOA campground, went to the Rhyman Auditorium to see a Gilley/Welk show and the plan was for me to hit the knee right after. I lost my ring in the Airstream. I actually hid it from myself and I couldn't find it. I ended up finding the ring in Toomsuba, Mississippi at another KOA campground...hit a knee in that park...and asked her to marry me...and we are still married.  We make fun of ourselves or were made [fun] of sometimes. These old timers with the half million dollar RVs have said before "You are the youngest people with the oldest equipment" at the campground (chuckling).

The Buzz: Every RV has its own personality. Every city has its own personality. Obviously New Orleans has that in spades.

KS: New Orleans is unique for so many reasons. It offers something for everyone. There’s a mis-perception that there is nothing here for families to do or there are limited options for families. That couldn't be further from the truth. There is an incredible area in the French Quarter where the park service has jazz lessons for kids...and it's cool for adults too for them to go in and see their kids play the trumpet. There are just things that are hidden gems I think. The swamp tours are incredible. The Children's Museum here is unparalleled. There is [also] so much green space…kayak rentals…bike trails you can take.

The Buzz: But the people… Some of the places like Coops or Claire's Pour House I visited on this trip…the people were just so welcoming. You get a unique sense of their story.

KS: I am glad you hit on that. It is not the buildings or the food or the music that makes New Orleans unique. Those things are unique: music, food, architecture but, for me, what the core of New Orleans is is the people. If you take away the people, those [other things] go with them except for the architecture. It is the people that make that food. The people that make that music the way it is. We learned that after Katrina. Our biggest fear was that New Orleans was not going to come back. We realized very quickly that without New Orleaneans…all the things that people love about New Orleans is gone. I am glad you recognized that because people here truly are welcoming...truly are proud of their city. They all have a story. When you say "Good morning! How's it going?" to someone here...be prepared to stop and here how it's going from that person you just addressed.

The Buzz: Having IPW back here since Katrina…rebuilding the identity...one finds the identity of New Orleans is even stronger...if that was possible. Can you discuss that personification? It is because of the pride and passion of the people of this city.

KS: It was so important for us to host it. It was here last in 2002 and, as you know, so much has happened. We have gone through 80% of our city being flooded and devastated and broadcast around the world. And, then, on the heels of that, we had the BP oil spill. Again, we were all over CNN around the world. There was a big mis-perception there that oil was on our shores which couldn't be further from the truth. It was 100 miles off shore. But each of those things really negatively impacted tourism to New Orleans and did significant brand damage to our city. Since Katrina in 2005 and the oil spill in 2010, we've climbed in visitation, numbers and tourism spend. We're basically back to where we were before Katrina but it has been a hard battle. We felt this was our chance to show the world through hosting IPW that all those images of a devastated city are long gone. They are way behind us in the rear view mirror. In fact, we didn't just fix the things that were damaged…we are reimagining the city.

There are things that weren't here before. Before Katrina, we had roughly five miles of bike lanes in the city. We were not a bikable city. Now, guess how many paved miles of bike lanes we have in the city…more than 100. There is a Lafitte Greenway that takes you from the French Quarter on Mason Street. It’s a “rails-to-trails”... a green spine that takes you from the French Quarter through Treme through Mid-City and deposits you basically in City Park. And, at the end of this trail, which is about a mile and a half long, is a brewery [Second Line Brewery]. These things were not here before 2005. Then you have City Park [itself] which... everyone thinks Central Park in NY is big and it is...that is an 800 acre park. City Park is 1300 acres and it goes all the way to the Lake [Ponchartrain]. People forget about that. It is really easy to get into the French Quarter and say "Wow...this is New Orleans! This is it!" Ride your bike a mile and a half to City Park and then go roughly 2 more miles to the lake...you've just introduced yourself to a completely new experience.

The Buzz: You just have to explore.

KS: Another good example for you: After Katrina, lots of people...we are so grateful for the help we received from people who came and helped. Without their help, we would never be where we are today but what happened was...all these people from different areas of the city, and different areas of the world, came and recognized that there is an incredible quality of life to be had here…pretty affordable living here [as well]. They ended up staying. After they helped us gut buildings and rebuild things, they stayed. Now you have all these influences that weren't here before in New Orleans. Just this past year, James Beard named Shaya the best restaurant in the country. Shaya is an Israeli restaurant in New Orleans. (chuckling) That wasn't happening [before]. It is pushing the envelope. We've always been known as a town for cuisine...Creole and French among them...[but] now we have Russian restaurants...Peruvian restaurants...and the best in the country is an Israeli restaurant in New Orleans. If I would have told you that five years ago, you would have said "Forget it".

Tim Wassberg

A graduate of New York University's Tisch School Of The Arts with degrees in Film/TV Production & Film Criticism, Tim has written for magazines such as Moviemaker, Moving Pictures, Conde Nast Traveler UK and Casino Player. He enjoys traveling and distinct craft beers among other things.

French Quarter RV Resort

Make Sure To Stay At:

French Quarter RV Resort, conveniently located in the heart of downtown New Orleans, less than a ¼ mile from I-10 Exit 235A and within short walking distance of the French Quarter and several other major tourist attractions.

   March 02, 2017

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