Captivating Street Art Throughout The U.S.
Drive Through The U.S. And See Some Of The Most Memorable & Meaningful Outdoor Art To Be "Given" To The World
When you think of street art, what do you envision? Maybe spray paint or a graffiti mural on the side of a building, down an alleyway. And while it's still a sight to see – a celebration of local culture and style – we wanted to explore some locations with their own form of street art. Things you probably have never seen before.
The following towns have not only embraced street art, but elevated it with completely new materials and ideas. Some of them are inspirational, others a mystery. Some are just plain beautiful. From concrete sculptures and re-purposed bicycles to chewing gum, these are pieces that embody the vibe of the towns that showcase them, and show just how powerful a local art scene can be.
A Bicycle Built for View in Putnam, Conn.
With enormous antique shops, an historic local theater and eclectic art galleries overlooking it all, downtown Putnam is the gem of eastern Connecticut. And there's one thing that brings it all together: A very unique, recycled street art.
Throughout Main Street, the sidewalks are lined with old bicycles, brought back to life with colorful, whimsical spray paint. Some even have baskets filled with flowers. Some are painted all black, then dressed up with flower arrangements and decorations, picked by the businesses that adopted them.
“We want to engage artists because it keeps the downtown interesting,” said Ann Monteiro, the owner of Flying Carpet Studios on Main Street. “There's always something going on. People want to keep coming back. Without art, we're just another downtown.”
Local Artists Continue to Transform Clarksville, Tenn.
A 60 by 40-foot mural taking up the entire side of a building dedicated to the city's skyline is Clarksville's 21st public art piece. “Clarksville's Starry Night” was done in the style of Vincent van Gogh's “The Starry Night,” but the piece is more of an ode to the city itself.
In a recent press release announcing the new mural, executive director of downtown Clarksville’s Roxy Regional Theatre, and chair of the Downtown Clarksville Association Ryan Bowie was quoted as saying: “Public art is a prime example of a community that is living, breathing and thriving.”
Although Tennessee is often seen as more of a musical state, a walk through Clarksville's streets, trails and campuses will give visitors an inspiring look into the impressive local art scene, since most of the pieces were created by Clarksville artists.
A Moving Street Art Display in Houston, Texas Inspires People to Embrace What Makes Them Unique
In April, the streets of Houston will be taken over by one of the most unique street art displays in the country. Hundreds of cars will make their way downtown, some of them covered in yarn, others wildly painted, and some even totally transformed, like local artist Mark “Scrapdaddy” Brandford's “Spoonozoid,” a menacing lizard made entirely out of spoons. The car always being the canvas.
The city's Art Car Museum Assistant Director Alicia Dupon noted: "It's scary when he's going down the street, because it snaps at you! It's really fabulous. But it doesn't look easy to drive."
The rolling works of art entice people from all over America, who come to Houston for the whimsicle - and often out there – parade. They transform the streets into a moving display unlike any other, showcasing local talents, and anyone who wants to stand out, be different and show off their creativity.
"Get into the left lane and aim high, but keep one eye on the rear view mirror for the black and whites," said James Harithas in "Art Cars – Revolutionary Movement." He continued: "Change your vehicle, improve it, personalize it and make your own statement with it so that you can once again become one with it. Art cars are an expression of your freedom and, above all, of the God-given American right to be yourself and flaunt it on the highways and byways of America."
If you can't make it for the parade and moving street art display, visit the Art Car Museum that is there year round.
A Sticky Situation in Downtown Seattle, Wash.
While most street art is created by local artists, one of Seattle's most unique street art destinations has been created over decades of time by the community, visitors and tourists. And – even stranger – it's completely made out of used gum. Located in an alleyway in downtown Seattle under Pike Place Market, the one-of-a-kind mural seems to represent the city itself: Always growing, evolving...
It all started in the 1990s, when local patrons waiting impatiently for an improv show at a nearby theater started to stick their chewed gum on the wall. Now expanding down the alleyway, completely covering the brick wall piece by piece, the gum creates a fascinating and almost surreal texture and atmosphere.
Not everyone is a fan. This past November, authorities attempted to remove the gum, as they did back in 2015 as well, pressure washing and scraping the walls for days. But the Gum Wall has a cult following like no other: Days later locals and tourists began to cover the walls again, making the mural an ever-changing organism in downtown Seattle.
Some say it's gross. Maybe even unsanitary. But it's a chance to leave your sticky mark and become a part of an iconic landmark only made possible by collaboration and dedication.
Orlando, Fla. Comes Together to Heal Through Street Art
Art is often emotional, connected with strong feelings or memories experienced by the artist. And the rainbow crosswalk in Orlando is the result of an entire town coming together after a horrific tragedy, but also a way to never forget the 49 victims in the harrowing Pulse nightclub shooting massacre back in June of 2016.
After receiving almost 3,000 signatures on an online request, the town decided to paint a rainbow crosswalk near the gay nightclub on Esther Street. Many other citizens had contacted the city as well, and it soon became clear that the crosswalk would represent the city's unitedness and compassion as a whole.
Said Orlando Commissioner Patty Sheehan: "It's something that came from the community, and I think it's important we honor those requests... It'll be a nice tribute as well."
A Chauvin, La. Man Shares Everything He's Learned Through Mysterious Religious Sculptures
Over one hundred religious concrete sculptures remain an enchanting mystery to this day in Chauvin, LA. Seeming to revolve around a 45-foot tall lighthouse with cowboys, soldiers, angels and even God grasping to its 7,000 brick exterior, the Cajun-style Biblical and celestial figures were created over a span of 10 years by Kenny Hill, who lived in a small home he built on the property.
Now abandoned by its creator, the collection of spiritual concrete scenes (which include a depiction of Hill himself with his heart bleeding, his face painted black and white) still act as a source of wonder for Chauvin residents and visitors alike. People visit the small property in the town of 1,000 for enlightenment, while others come out of sheer curiosity.
Once a quite private collection that Hill was weary to share, the pieces are now gifted to Nicholls State University. But little is still known about Hill, who only said the art was about "living and life" and everything he has learned.
Olivia Richman
A graduate of East Connecticut State University in Journalism, Olivia has written for Stonebridge Press & Antiques Marketplace among others. She enjoys writing, running and video games.
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By : Olivia Richman February 27, 2018