Study Reveals Breeding Power of Mosquitoes
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through BusinessWire's website.
The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) conducts study to show just how quickly mosquitoes are able to multiply right in your own backyard. The Association releases shocking footage from its Mosquito Multiplier simulation to warn homeowners of potential breeding grounds. By recreating ideal conditions that allow mosquitoes to thrive, researchers were able to capture the true breeding power of mosquitoes, and the results can be seen here.
According to a press release, mosquitoes across the country thrive in warm, wet areas and only need as little as half an inch of water to breed, turning seemingly innocent items such as kiddie pools, wheelbarrows and overturned frisbees into potential breeding grounds. βTo reduce the likelihood of mosquitoes breeding on your yard, conduct a survey of the property at least once a week and eliminate any areas of standing water,β said Fredericks.
For prevention and protection tips to help in the fight against mosquitoes and vector disease transmission, read here.