New Jersey’s Wharton State Forest Suffers Heavy Flooding
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through NJ Department of Environmental Protection's website.
TRENTON, N.J. – The New Jersey State Park Service is advising visitors to delay visits to the Wharton State Forest. Heavy rains caused widespread flooding in the forest, with many of the unimproved sand roads impassable due to ponding and washouts, and all access points for the Batsto, Mullica, Oswego and Wading rivers - popular for canoeing and kayaking - are closed due to hazardous conditions. Some bridges are completely covered by water. The area received nearly a foot of rain during the month of November.
Visitors should call ahead for the latest information on conditions and accessibility at (609) 561-0024.
Environmental Issues, Nature, New Jersey, News, Open Road, State Parks