First Time Campers Can Win Free Camping At Vermont State Parks This Summer
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Vermont Business Magazine's website.
MONTPELIER, Vermont - This summer, Vermont launches a new Happy Camper Program at five state parks. Designed to encourage families who haven’t camped before to give it a try, the program offers people a free weekend of camping that includes all necessary camping gear, including a free campsite, firewood, tents, camp stove, lantern and sleeping pads, plus assistance at the park in setting up camp and an orientation to the park’s facilities. Campers provide their own clothing, food and bedding. The Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington, VT, arranged for gear donations from their vendors and is also offering discounted sleeping bag purchases for those who need them. During the weekend, campers can can attend interpretive programs, swim and check out free fishing gear, and, before arriving, will receive a packet of information that includes a packing list and tips, meal and recipe ideas and other camping information.
State parks participating in the program include Bomoseen, Button Bay, Grand Isle State Park, Stillwater and Woodford State Park, offering weekends throughout July and August. Interested families can sign up at the Vermont State Parks website here, and select the park and weekend of their choice. Two families will be chosen at random for each weekend, and assigned campsites near each other, so they can meet other families new to camping.
For the full release by Vermont Business Magazine, follow this link.