Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through PR Newswire's website.
NORFOLK, Va. (PRNewswire) - RV Trader announces impressive milestones in search traffic and dealer connections for the month of October with more than 4.6 million site visits and nearly 387,000 emails, phone calls, map-to-dealership searches and website referrals generated directly from RV Trader listings. The numbers represent a 4% increase in shopper traffic, equating to 40,000 additional buyers, and a 323% surge in consumer-to-dealer connections compared to October 2018, generating more sales opportunities for dealers than any competitive source. According to the study, key statistics include - 1) 53% of RV purchasers are now 55 or younger. 26% are millennials (age 21-35) and 27% are Generation X-ers (age 36-55). Both groups also earn more and have different purchase motivations than older RVers. 2) 76% of renters reported they are likely to purchase their own RV within two years. Renter/buyers typically rent at least twice before deciding to buy and are more affluent than renters with 48% earning $100,000+ annually. To read the full survey report, visit RV Trader's Media Kit.
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