Resorts Along California’s Hwy 88 Open As Snow Melts
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The San Francisco Chronicle's website.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the late winter snowpack is finally melting along California’s Highway 88, allowing resorts and campgrounds in the High Sierras to open for the season. Highway 88 is a two-lane highway that crosses the Sierras from Jackson, in Amador County, over the 8,652-foot Carson Pass. Along its 30 mile route lie three lodges, 15 campgrounds, four lakes popular for trout fishing, and trailheads to some of the region’s best hiking trails. The snow has melted on the section of road through Carson Pass, allowing visitors to drive down into Hope Valley along the Carson River, but the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and other trails in the Mokelumne Wilderness are still are blocked by snow, with snow depths ranging up to 4-5 feet still covering sections of the PCT south of Carson Pass toward Mount Round Top.
Major destinations along Highway 88, also known as the Carson Pass Highway, including the Bear River Reservoir, Silver and Caples lakes, have opened their campgrounds, lodges, marinas and restaurants for the season. Higher up, at Woods and Kirkwood lakes, spring is just arriving with campgrounds scheduled to open mid-July. The US Forest Service operates numerous campgrounds in the area, although some remain closed due to storm damage. Current updates on the condition of campgrounds and trails is available on the Eldorado National Forest, Amador Ranger District website.
For additional details, read the full story on the SF Chronicle website.