Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Bay Today's website.
In Northern Ontario, driving established RV touring routes is a relatively new concept and one that holds great economic gain for the tourism industry. To get the word out, Destination Northern Ontario (DNO) and RV outfitters are working together to put Northern Ontario on the RV map. Executive Director of DNO David MacLachlan said in a press release, “We’re still in the early stages of developing various routes and what is driving this momentum is our mandate which is to grow tourism in our region. In particular, we’re looking at the overseas market because we’ve underperformed for so long.” Currently, visits from overseas markets represent only one-tenth of a percentage of all visits to Northern Ontario. Raising this number to two per cent would create a significant impact on tourism revenue.For more info on tourism in Canada, view the previous Northern Ontario Tourism Product Development Strategy.