Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Ventura County Star's website.
The VC Star reports on “extreme fire danger” restrictions happening now throughout Los Padres National Forest in Goleta, CA. The fire restrictions will be in effect through at least Dec. 31. Wood and charcoal fires are prohibited in all areas of Los Padres National Forest, including designated campfire use sites. People with a valid California campfire permit may use portable stoves. Find out more details on what can be used, and where, here.The Ventura County Star lists the more restrictions in its article: Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the forest except within an enclosed vehicle, building or designated campfire use site. Internal- and external-combustion engine must have a spark-arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working order when used on roads and trails specifically designated for such use. This restriction is in effect year-round.
California, Environmental Issues, National Parks, News, Open Road, Outdoors