Advanced Surge Protector Released by Hughes Autoformer
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through RV Pro's website.
Hughes Autoformer launches the Power Watchdog EPO (emergency power off) surge protector, a version of advanced smart surge protection. The Power Watchdog, an entry level RV surge protector with a Bluetooth app, is the mid-line product that utilizes the technology of the previous Bluetooth app along with the automatic shut off and restart of an EMS system.
According to a press release, The Power Watch Dog EPO continuously monitors all power conditions, low voltage, high voltage, open neutral, open ground, reverse polarity, how many volts the park is providing, how many amps a user is drawing, and even how many kilowatt hours someone has used in that particular park. All this information can be viewed on a phone, according to the company. The Power Watchdog EPO RV surge protector, like all Hughes Autoformers products, have replaceable surge protection. The Watchdog unit will notify the user if the 2,400 joules in the 30-amp model or 4,800 joules in the 50-amp model have been exhausted.
The manufacturer also produces voltage boosters/regulators that correct high and low voltage before it travels to the coach from shore power. To read more visit the Hughes Autoformer website.