Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through WNEP's website.
WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP, Pa. - The Pennsylvania Dept of Transportation plans a pilot program to prevent road backups during winter storms. During severe winter storms, truck drivers will have to remain in the right lane, said PennDOT official James May. When the snow builds up along the side of Interstate 81 in Luzerne County, traffic stays idle for many.Chelsea Strub of WNEP news relays in here article, "This new plan is an effort to keep trucks on the roads and moving during the snow, but PennDOT could still ban all truck traffic on the interstates during big storms." The new restriction is receiving mixed reviews among truck drivers. PennDOT says the new lane restriction will be tested next time the speed is restricted during a weather event out on the interstate. "We're hoping it's a good compromise where they can still keep moving. They can still be out there and make a living and keep the commerce going but also do so that is safe for the public," May said.
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