Park Authority in England Announces Fire Alert For National Park
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through North York Moors National Park Authority's website.
North York Moors National Park Authority in North Yorkshire, England announces a fire alert for North York Moors due to recent dry conditions, coupled with a lack of rain and very dry ground vegetation such as heather and bracken. Staff have been putting fire risk warning signs up. Staff from the Authority have been putting fire risk warning signs up on moorland sites from today, advising people how they can help to reduce the risk. The signs will remain in place until the fire risk passes.
Park’s Rangers advise travelers to enjoy the park with caution. Senior Ranger, Bernie McLinden, said in a press release, “People are asked to avoid lighting fires and BBQs and not to discard cigarettes, matches or glass bottles, including throwing cigarette ends out of car windows. Moorland fires can spread extremely quickly and can cause significant damage.
Learn more on the status of North York Moors National Park by visiting its website.
Education, Environmental Issues, Health, International, National Parks, News