News Blip: FUll Time Family Of Fourteen
The Denver Post Reports On The Kellogg Family & The Advice Parents Of 12 Have Accumulated Over The Years While Raising The Wild Bunch
Extra large family takes to the road in RV since 2012 for the better things in life. The clan is wild, fun and well-mannered. Their parents, Susie and Dan Kellogg, have quite a task ahead of them but with the help of a dozen basic principles, the parents have taught the children to be kind, independent, ambitious, adventurous, and fearless.
Denver Post writer Jason Blevins relays in his article: "The tight family has spent most of the last five years living in their RV, a monumental achievement in and of itself. And somehow, they have grown even closer while developing top-shelf talents in paddling whitewater." The children love kayaking; three of the dozen children that the Kelloggs raised are world-class kayakers on the US Freestyle Kayak Team. Susie speaks on what she teaches her kids: “They know there are no handouts and nothing comes easy. They have to be self-motivated to achieve. They know if they are going to have something, they are going to have to work for it and earn it."
Check out the full article at The Denver Post right here.
-MRV: The Buzz