News Blip: Backpacker Inspires The Film Jungle
AJN Reports On A New Movie Based On A Factual Transformation Tale Of Israeli Backpacker Yossi Ghinsberg Who Was Stranded In The Amazon Rainforest
Enjoying the outdoors in a controlled environment versus being literally stuck there are two totally different experiences. I can't believe I will say this, but the latter is a time you do not want to outside or in the wild for too long! You want to get to the comfort of your home. One story of a backpacker being alone in the Amazon jungle after a terrible accident for over two weeks is a chilling tale. For 17 days in the Bolivian Amazon jungle in 1981 – mostly alone – as a young and naive Israeli backpacker looking for adventure, Yossi Ghinsberg went through his struggle for survival.
According to Shane Desiatnik of AJN, "[Yossi] was determined to ensure that any feature film version of his remarkable coming of age story was equally raw, honest and true to what happened." This is said because the story become a media sensation. However, the recent film Jungle takes into account the events of this ordeal, based on the true story. Interestingly, a decade after his Bolivian ordeal, Ghinsberg returned for three years to Madidi National Park to help set up the Chalalan eco-lodge, which is owned and run by the local indigenous people. Jungle begins with Yossi and two other backpackers setting off with a mysterious adventurer guide on a trek in search of a lost tribe and treasure in the remotest part of the jungles of north-western Bolivia in the Madidi National Park.