Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through's website.
ROCKY RIVER, Ohio - Attitude is everything, and the new recreation director in Rocky River, Bob Holub, is brimming with enthusiasm. Bob Holub's undergraduate freshman declaration at Kent State University was business, yet as life has it he ended up getting involved in the school’s recreation programs as a recreation assistant. Being an Ohio man, he stayed tuned in to happenings in the state, and heard about a recreation director’s job opening for the City of Rocky River. According to writer Linda Gandee, Bob is looking at ways to refresh space and operate efficiently as priorities, and work on surface updates to recreation facilities. Holub, said in a press release, he wants to find ways to better tell the story of the city’s recreation facilities and programs. To that end, he and his staff have launched a Facebook page, are putting together a marketing plan, and an intern will be on the job in the spring to focus on all social media.
Learn more about Rocky River and Bob Holub here.