Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through the International Dark Sky Association's website.
WATROUS, NM – Fort Union National Monument has been announced by the National Park Service and the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) as the newest International Dark Sky Park. This certification recognizes the exceptional quality of the park’s night skies and provides added opportunities to enhance visitor experiences through astronomy based interpretive programming. Once the largest U.S. Army fort in the Southwest, Fort Union now preserves the largest collection of 19th-century adobe buildings in the country.According to a press release by the IDA, a International Dark Sky Park certification promotes public education and astronomy based recreation in parks while improving energy efficiency and reduced operational costs through outdoor lighting upgrades, which in turn creates economic opportunities for neighboring communities through astronomy-based tourism. Learn more about the International Dark-Sky Association here.
National Parks, Nature, New Mexico, News, Open Road, Parks & Recreation