Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Chicago Tribune's website.
Indiana Dunes National Park is already breaking visitor records only a year after its status as a national park. Indiana Dunes National Park became the nation's 61st national park last year on Feb 15, 2019. The change came after U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Gary, slipped the measure into appropriations legislation.Chicago Tribune writer, Amy Lavalley, speaks the park’s superintendent Paul Labovitz and relays what he says in her article, "The change has elevated the visibility of the park nationally and internationally. It was good news for people in this region, and we don’t get a lot of good news. It’s a positive thing,” he said. By April, the visitor center had seen almost double the number of visitors it had in April 2018. In July, the park’s peak month, the numbers for that month over the previous year had doubled. Labovitz is holding public meetings to hear from the public about their experiences in the park and how they hope to enjoy it in the future. To read more on Indiana Dunes National Park, click here.