FACTS Technology Streamlines Reporting Process For Fishing Industries
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Outdoor News Daily's website.
Outdoor News Daily reports on a new platform, the Fishing Activity & Catch Tracking System, has helped the DNR streamline the old paper reporting processes used for the commercial fishing industry, wholesale fish dealers and charter boat operators. FACTS, which replaces several outdated reporting systems the DNR previously used, features many improvements, including mobile technology.
According to a press release, wholesale fish dealers now are able to enter their fish purchases in real time, submit up-to-date reports to the DNR and run their own reports about their business activities. Commercial fishing operators can log in to report their fishing activities in real time and can run reports on their fishing activities over time. “A version of FACTS has been used successfully by the Multispecies Groundfish Fisheries in Canada and the Northeast U.S., as well as the state of Maryland in their fisheries industry for many years,” said Tracy Claramunt, a DNR fisheries biologist who oversaw the adoption of FACTS.
To leave feedback or learn more about FACTS, or Michigan’s commercial, wholesale or charter fishing industries, click here.