Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through Central Maine's website.
Acadia National Park visitors recently announce they will join a lawsuit - currently filed by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, together with four other organization - challenging the National Park Service and Department of the Interior decision to allow “e-bike use throughout the National Park System.” It argues that National Park Service officials who made the decision to allow e-bikes in the parks were never properly confirmed to their positions, and therefore lacked the authority to make that decision. The suit also says the decision was made without proper environmental review.Central Maine news writer Becky Pritchard relays in her article, "The lawsuit, however, is not filed against individual parks but against the National Park Service, as well as the Department of the Interior and three individuals: former acting NPS Director P. Daniel , Deputy NPS Director David Vela and Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt." The complaint says that and Vela did not have the authority to impose the new rule allowing e-bikes in national parks “because they purported to be ‘exercising the authority of the director,’ despite neither having been confirmed as such by the U.S. Senate nor appointed by President Trump as the ‘acting’ NPS director.”
For the full report on he case, visit the CM website.