Current RV Industry Association President Resigns
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through RVPro's website.
The RV Industry Association has accepted the resignation of Frank Hugelmeyer as president of the association. In response, the executive committee of the board of directors has executed on the organization’s procedure for the implementation of an interim-president, designating Craig Kirby, senior VP of government affairs and general counsel, interim-president of RVIA.
“We truly appreciate all of the work Frank has led to improve the position of RVIA and strengthen the relationships with not only the membership, but also with our industry partners,” said Garry Enyart, director of RV business at Cummins and chairman of the RVIA board, in a press release. A full transition timeline is being formulated, and Hugelmeyer will remain with RVIA for a yet-to-be determined period to provide guidance and support during the transition. “During the interim period, RVIA’s executive committee will be alerted to any special support needs of the interim president and shall convene a monthly meeting of the group,” said Enyart.
For more on the news, visit the RV Industry Association's website.