Car Accidents, Unprecedented Visitation Causes Gridlock In Glacier National Park
Editor's Note: This news item was retrieved and first published through The Great Falls Tribune's website.
WEST GLACIER, Mont. – Rangers at Glacier National Park rappelled 40 feet down an embankment off the Going-to-the-Sun Road to rescue three occupants of a car that went over the side after swerving to avoid a vehicle that stopped in front of them to view a bear. According to The Great Falls Tribune, the accident tied up traffic in both directions for more than three hours and created a line of waiting cars five miles long. The same afternoon, rangers responded to calls concerning open ankle fracture caused by falling from a horse, an infant locked in a car, two missing parties, a bear struck by a car, a DUI arrest in Many Glacier, and an abandoned dog. Glacier National Park law enforcement and emergency services incidents are up 40 percent over 2018 to date, with total calls for service increasing by 500 compared with last year at this time.
Park officials warn that the park is experiencing record-breaking visitation with gridlock forming frequently due to the number of cars on the road. Even minor accidents along the Going-to-the-Sun Road can delay traffic for hours. “Unexpected incidents in the park can have significant consequences for visitors,” Glacier National Park Superintendent Jeff Mow said in a press release. “Always carry extra food and water, even if you are not planning on hiking into the backcountry. You should always plan for the unplanned, including delays along the road or elsewhere.” Mow recommends that visitors plan their trips, communicate with their family members about their whereabouts, and be prepared to change their itineraries.
Current park conditions are posted in real time on the National Park’s website.